ENTRY #1: Honest Opinions

Bloggers have become very popular since the 2000s. Now that I am writing one, I feel like I’m being transported back into those days. From researching different blogs, it looks super fun to write them because you get to create a persona online. Blogs in general do seem fun, but also tedious. If it’s a professional blog it’s a lot more stress because you are doing it for either a company or as a business. Having a professional blog also means that it has to look like it; professional pictures, professional writing, etc. Personal blogs don’t have any specifications to them, you can just write about the fun barbeque you went to last weekend. Depending on the blog, I’m not very interested in reading them, but I do like one or two. Here’s some that I have been binging and ones that don’t interest me.

As someone who has grown up strictly in Arizona, getting away from the heat and crazy dust storms is my favorite thing to do. Traveling has become very popular in my family and a blog by the title of “Lee From America” has caught my eye recently. She has blogs about music, traveling, lifestyle, and food recipes. Many of her blogs are majority writing, but some of them do have pictures to explain what she was talking about. For example, she wrote about her fall favorites, mainly which were clothes. Now if she didn’t include those photos, the audience would be left to their imagination, but since she did include them, the audience has an idea of why she chose those clothes, and they can also form their own opinion on seeing the item. The format of the blogs that she publishes are in the forms of large pictures so that they catch the reader’s attention. All the photos and colors of the blog are coordinated and look clean, it’s honestly aesthetically pleasing to see. Being a visual person, I loved this blog. I was thinking about how drawn I feel to her and the fact that she just writes whatever she likes. The way she writes each blog really shows her personality to her audience by using personal recommendations and she writes in an organized yet understandable way. All in all, it is a very wonderful blog and one I would continue reading it if the author uploaded more frequently. Visit her site here.

 Another blog I have recently discovered is “The Good Trade”. Its audience and authors are mainly women which is so welcoming. The women are from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicity, etc. It has many articles about fashion, beauty, personal being, home, and culture. Again, the whole organization and format of the page is so pleasing to see. The blogs want to make a difference in the world. For example, almost all the beauty blogs are about organic brands that wont harm the earth with packaging, aren’t tested on animals, vegan and cruelty free, and natural. The wording of each blog is very supportive towards the reader, as if it creates a safe space for them to be accepting of themselves. It honestly feels like you’re having a conversation with a friend. They have descriptive pictures and very simple articles, so the readers can easily understand. I admire all the authors because they are unafraid to speak their mind. Reading even one of their articles made me learn something about myself. Visit their site here.

Now a blog that I think could be an amazing blog, but one that I’m not draw to, would be one by the name of Jeremy D. Larson. First off, his layout for the blog is black and white, one photo, and very small print. Visually not pleasing to me. On the other hand, an audience that loves minimalism and simplicity this is perfect for them. Most of his blogs are about his favorite albums of the year, which as a music lover is very intriguing, but he goes into talking about stories of his life instead of listing his favorite albums and why, which after reading it confused me personally. Also, no pictures. Boooooring, but stylistically it matches the blogs whole demeanor. He could have shown pictures of the albums and even included his favorite lines from the songs he listened to on repeat. All in all, not a bad blog, but it made me bored. Visit his site here.


Again, I do like blogs, but only if they are creative and personal. Reading about someone’s life or something that benefits society is more intriguing to me than reading that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Visit each of these sites and make an opinion on your own. Maybe even start your own blog! It will be a new and unique experience for me.               


  1. I love the way you got into every blog you read about. You gave out so many details about them I feel like I already can picture the layouts of them all. The feelings for blogs are for sure mutual!

  2. Thank you for your recommendation of the Good Trade! I am a sucker for beauty outlets, this one quickly shot up to my favorites and regularly checked sites. I love the style of your blog, its so easy to get drawn in and read!


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